Kijani Institute is a Danish founded – Kenyan trust working with cross-cultural projects linking Kenyan educational institutions to Danish ditto and educational institutions of the same and higher caliber for the purpose of co – learning and cross cultural communication.The institute was founded by Niels Larsen, PHD who has a deep interest in establishing long term partnerships involving co – learning, exchange, cross cultural communication and networking. Niels Founded the Institute in the winter of 2012 in Odense and shifted some of the operations to Nairobi, Kenya.
The Institute comprises of a board of trustees with Niels maintaining his role as the founder and current director of the trust. The trustees work closely with all the teams and the teams in Kenya work closely with the teams in Denmark. Right now the Senior Project Associate – Samuel Kurei Thuo,a Kenyan who is now working in Perth,Austraria and Lesiamon Mututua – Project Associate, Kijani Institute in Kenya , currently heads the Nairobi office and operations. And we also have Olive Wambui Mbuthia, who is an experienced educator having acquired a Master’s degree in Education and post graduate Diploma in Curriculum Design and Development. She has worked for over 30 years in the Kenyan education sector as a teacher trainer and later as a curriculum specialist in KICD (Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development).
Dr. Niels Larsen has worked with co – learning and cross – cultural related projects both in Africa and Europe for more than 20 years.
Kijani Institute and its associates will continue to strengthen the global communication and co-learning among different schools, learning institutions, cultural institutions, NGOs and even performance groups.
Co-learning is the main equal dialogue between people and Kijani Institute will facilitate equal basis meetings across culture and focus on developing action competence for students, educators as well as other stakeholders in the education sector.
We aim at especially initiating and qualifying action oriented learning, co learning and action competence especially among young learners, we are currently in Kenya and Denmark and our aim is to be developed into other countries in Africa, Asia and South America.
Some of the Work by Dr. Niels is contained in this news article in a book from the Oure Sports & Performing Arts.The article is about the collaboration in Handball between the Oure schools and The Kenya Handball Federation and Alliance High School.
Click here to view the Article
Dr. Niels also writes about how youth reflects when they are thinking of different cultures.
Click here to view the Article
Meet MBA, Samuel Kurei, Australia.
Samuel Kurei is the senior project Associate at Kijani Institute representing both partners in Denmark and in Kenya. In addition to managing the work with the partners, Samuels’s primary mission is to develop and support the programmes and partners continuously to ensure success and smooth flow in the institute. Among other things, Samuel is also responsible for the Institutes management and leadership development programmes. Samuel bases his approach on the view that management and running programmes can be challenging and complex, but also rewarding and fulfilling. He has been with Kijani Institute since 2012 when the institute was founded.
Meet Lawrence Lesiamon Mututua, Project Associate, Kijani Institute in Kenya.
Project Associate Liaison at Kijani institute as well as coordinating for a cordial healthy and smooth realization of vested interests between Kenya and Denmark in terms of projects such as Kijani institute. Lawrence is a 20 year old Maasai, studying International Relations and Development studies at Catholic University of Eastern Africa. Lawrence is a go-getter person driven by the sensitivity of enhancing environment that is devoid of principles of leadership and integrity. Lawrence aspires to make Kijani institute as well as other projects associated with his leadership to serve as exemplary in displaying nothing short of principles of leadership and integrity.This is in a nutshell, who Lawrence Lesiamon is.