The Kijani Institute of Cross Cultural Communication started to collaborate with the Schools in Oure Sports and Performing Arts in November 2013. Since the first visit where the top managers from the three schools visited Kenya the collaboration with Kenya has grown.
Oure College of Sports & Performing Arts is a unique school based in the heart of Denmark. It is the biggest boarding school in Denmark combining Sports and arts with academic knowledge. The school society contains three schools:
Oure Boarding School, Danish lower-secondary school with 9th grade and 10th grade. The main academic focus of this school is to prepare the students aged 14-17 for gymnasium – This school is partnering with Raila Educational Centre in Kibera, Nairobi.
Oure Gymnasium, Danish upper-secondary school with 1.G through 3.G. The students aged 16-20 are here prepared for higher level academic educations. This school is partnering with Alliance High School in Kikuyu outside Nairobi.
Oure Academy, for students over 18. The academy offers both educations in various sports and performing arts at instructor level, as well as a preschool for educations in performing arts. This school has a department of Handball instructors. And work together with Kenyan Handball Federation and the University league.
Risskov is a boarding school with lower secondary standard. 9. – 10. Graders. The school is place near Denmark’s second largest city: Aarhus
Risskov started to visit Nyeri Baptist High School for the first time in 2017, and then went there with a whole group of 28 students in March 2018. The International Line at the school focuses on intercultural competences and partnering with Nyeri Baptist Highschool.
“Efterskole” is a unique Danish residential school, where students from the ages of 14 to 18 can choose to spend one, two or three years to finish their Primary education. There are currently 251 “Efterskoles” in Denmark with a total of 27.300 students.
The Efterskole idea, to focus on educational and personal development,
enlightenment for life and democratic citizenship, is outstanding and we believe the Efterskole in combination with an international exchange program is the perfect path to further international studies and employment.
When the student starts at Risskov Efterskole the student select a main line for the education year. During the week the student will be taught 3 times a week sometime more in these select lines. At Risskov Efterskole we have the International Line which train highly concentrated and includes a lot of studying, despite the absence of exams and tests. The lessons consist of lectures, group exercises and subject related visits. The learning environment is participatory and promotes individual involvement and sharing of experiences.
Risskov Efterskole is working very closely with Kijani Institute in finding two partner schools in Kenya, preferably high schools, for a co-learning and cross cultural communication programme. Already Kijani Institute has been visiting a few schools both in Nairobi and Nyeri and hopes are high for the start of a brand new programme.
Risskov Efterskole will be Facilitated by Kijani Institute with a team visit this winter, 2016 to have more talks with the schools and further plan on a way forward. The first trip for them will be made possible by a DANIDA grant made earlier in the year. Huge thanks again to Danida for making this trip possible.
Learn more
You can also reach us on info@kijani-institute.org
(In Danish): Et globalt dannelsesprojekt – Kenya/Danmark. Vi har startet et globalt ungdomsudvekslingsprojekt mellem elever fra Nyeri Baptist High School og vores elever på Risskov Efterskole. På Risskov Efterskole vil det primært være eleverne fra International Linje, som er deltagerne.
Med stolthed, kan vi fortælle, at vi med midler fra Danida Oplysningsbevilling har været på besøg hos vores samarbejdsskole i Kenya, og at vi nu har mødt elever og ansatte på Nyeri Baptist, som er parate til at indlede et udvekslingsprojekt, som vil blive en fast del af begge skolers hverdag i mange år fremadrettet.
I Kenya blev vi mødt med stor gæstfrihed og åbenhed i forbindelse med at starte dette ungdomsudvekslingsprojekt. Det var tydeligt, at der var god kemi fra starten, og at både Nyeri Baptist High School og vi, ønsker at etablere et møde mellem begge skolers elever. Vi oplevede og fornemmede stærkt, at den gode stemning også var gensidig hos Baptist High School. Nyeri Baptist i Kenya havde gjort et stort stykke arbejde i at organisere vores besøg, vi blev inkluderede i hverdagens rutiner på skolen, og vi fik indsigt og mødte elever og ansatte. Det medførte, at der løbende blev tænkt i muligheder for at skabe disse autentiske møder for de jævnaldrende elever fra begge skoler. Baptist Skolen har adgang til PC og internettet, så skype, mail, og de sociale medier kan benyttes gennem samarbejdet. Det autentiske møde løbende gennem hele skoleåret var ikke kun et vigtig kerneområde for os, men det var det også for vores samarbejdspartner.
Hvilke mål er for den enkelte elev i højsæde?
• Få indsigt og opleve anden ungdoms- og hverdagskultur end den man er opvokset i.
• Opnå et andet syn på verden.
• Udvikle sociale og faglige kompetencer gennem mødet med jævnaldrende.
• Formidle og skabe dialog om sin egen hverdag og den danske kultur til andre unge i verden.
• Skabe større selvforståelse og selvrespekt.
Hvad er indholdet?
Forståelse og oplysning med og om hinanden vil være i fokus. Det helt centrale i udvekslingen vil være, at der arbejdes med fælles interesse-emner. Emner og temaer, som er aktuelle og nærliggende for at ligge optil god kommunikation mellem begge parter. Et eksempel kan være temaet “Personal Skills”, hvor temaer som identitet, ligestilling, opdragelse, mobning, sygdomme kan inddrages.
Via erfaringsudvekslingerne gennem forskellige forløb i undervisningen vil man sikre sig et kulturmøde med blik på bløde værdier, leveregler og rutiner i hverdagen på kryds og tværs af grænserne.
Man arbejder med en forforståelse for en anden kultur end ens egen, og man vil også øge sin selvindsigt gennem korrespondancen. Det er et ligeværdigt samarbejde, hvor alle parter bidrager aktivt.
Den interkulturelle kompetence vil hele tiden være i spil, og vi vil gennem film, tv-udsendelser, spil, kenyanske undervisningsmaterialer og med gæsteundervisere dykke ind i vores samarbejdspartners hverdag.
Hvordan foregår denne udveksling?
De jævnaldrende har forskellige virkeligheder og ståsteder i den globaliseret hverdag. Der vil lige fra starten af skoleåret blive skabt kontakt eleverne imellem. Man vil som elev i udvekslingsforløbet få tildelt en “buddy”, som man lærer godt at kende gennem den online udveksling, som kan foregå via mail, Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype og brevudveksling.
I foråret vil elever på den Internationale Linje tage en uge til Kenya på studietur. Her vil man møde hinanden fysisk, hvor man vil indgå sammen med de andre udvekslingselever i workshops og tager på fællesture.
Erfaringerne med disse udvekslingsforløb viser oftest, at man ikke stopper med at udveksle efter det fysiske møde. Det giver ofte mere blod på tanden til at opretholde kontakten til sin buddy og måske “nye” buddies, når man er tilbage i sin egen hverdag igen. For nogle er denne kontakt heldigvis livslang.
Igen med stolthed i stemmen kan vi sige, at ungdomsudvekslingen med Nyeri Baptist High School er for os på Risskov Efterskole – en god udfordring, inspirationskilde og samarbejdspartner.
Tornbjerg Gymnasium is a Danish upper secondary school located in Odense, the third largest city in Denmark and the birth place of the poet Hans Christian Andersen. The school was founded in 1978 to meet the demand for upper secondary education in the area.
Recently, the school has undergone extensive expansion and modernization creating a better and more interesting environment for teaching, learning and extra-curricular activities.
With our proximity to the University of Southern Denmark, we cooperate with the university in a number of ways throughout the school year. We are located in the southeast part of Odense 7 km from the city center.
Recently, the school has undergone extensive expansion and modernization creating a better and more interesting environment for teaching, learning and extra-curricular activities.
With our proximity to the University of Southern Denmark, we cooperate with the university in a number of ways throughout the school year. We are located in the southeast part of Odense 7 km from the city center.
Tornbjerg is working very closely with Kijani Institute on establishing and in finding two partner schools in Kenya, preferably high schools, for a co-learning and cross cultural communication programme. Already Kijani Institute has been visiting the Kenya High School in Kileleshwa and the Nairobi School in Westlands Nairobi and hopes are high for the start of a programme.
Tornbjerg Gymnasium was facilitated by Kijani Institute with a team visit during the winter of 2016 to have more talks with the schools and further plan on a way forward. The first trip for them was made possible by a DANIDA grant made earlier in the year. Thanks again Danida for making this trip possible.
Since 2016, teachers from Kenya have been in Denmark, and in 2018, a group of students and teachers from Tornbjerg, were in Kenya.
Tornbjerg also supports a poor school in Kibera, St. Johns, which is a community driven school.
Learn more
You can also reach us on info@kijani-institute.org
This is an example of a visit program:
Program for our Kenyan guests and our hosts. We may have to make changes due to weather, transport issues, cancellations etc.
To the Kenyans
We are having a colder springtime than normal, so it is a good idea to bring some warm clothes.
And remember walking shoes – we are going to walk a lot 🙂
Hosts: When nothing else is mentioned in the program you should take your guest to Tornbjerg at 8.15am, and bring her/him home again at 3.25 pm.
Remember to provide your guest with lunch every day.
Time and place will be published as quickly as possible
- Thursday: Spring Culture Night at Tornbjerg Gymnasium- the Kenyans will perform and they will need transportation to and from.
- Friday: the Kenyans will have a long day away from their hosts, and will need pickup at 9pm – from Skovsøen or Rosenvænget 7a, Dalum -depending on the weather. We will keep you informed.
To our Kenyan guests Welcome to Tornbjerg Gymnasium – Karibu!
To our Danish hosts – thank you for opening your home and making this exchange program possible
Then link to a PDF File with the whole program for the Kenyans who visit Denmark.
Tornbjerg Highschool also support to St. Johns Primary school in Kibera.
Kibera er et af de mest kendte slumområder i Afrika. Behovet for at støtte børn og unge er stort. Og gennem den støtte som eleverne fra Tornbjerg Gymnasium har ydet, er det lykkes at forbedre skolens bygninger og ligeledes indkøbe forskellige materialer og ikke mindst skolebøger, som er nødvendigt.
St. Johns skole er en lille privat primary skole fra 1 – 8 klasse, som drives af en tidligere ølkusk Josiah, der fandt ud af, at det var mere nyttigt, at give børn i et af Afrikas største slumområder, en mulighed for at få en grundskole uddannelse. Tornbjerg supports St. Johns Primary school, so the school is able to maintain the buildings and support the pupils with teaching material. In 2017 and 2018 the St. Johns was supported by Tornbjerg.
GLAD – a programme involving cooperation with Kenya focusing on the new teacher training education.
PROJECT GLAD ”Global Learning – Advanced professionalism – Dialogue” is a development project in conjunction with the new teacher training education (LU 13) in Denmark. The main aim of the project is to qualify future teachers’ skills in the sphere of global learning, communication and information in cooperation with three teacher-training colleges in Kenya. The project is supported by Danida and will be realized within a four-year time frame (2014-2018).
The purpose of the GLAD project is to develop information about developing countries and intercultural pedagogy / didactics in connection with the new teacher training education. This will occur through, among other things, working with a developing country, and through a strengthening of the trainee teachers’ intercultural skills.
From September 2018 this programme has been reduced a little. There will be possibilities to have school practice at Muranga TTC, by individual teacher training students from Denmark. Some Lectures will have co-learning activities in different subjects.
The aims of the GLAD programme are:
• Professional development, both in relation to individual subject (e.g. geography), and in the area of basic professionalism
• Pedagogy and didactic theory combined with practice (advanced module)
• Conveying and communicating global themes with experience from visiting developing countries, and communication with students and teachers in developing countries
• Topics that have global perspectives such as sustainability, health care, climate, etc.
• Work placement and exchange with a global view where both students and teachers visit a developing country
• Cooperation with local state schools (Holluf Pile school and Hunderupskolen) and a Primary School in Kenya
• Active use of IT, where such media as Skype / blog dialogues will be included in the process
• As well as the above, culture studies and mutual exchanges for example in connection with work placement, where students will be able to use their experience and knowledge from the project in the final Bachelor project (BA), and also in connection with profession projects (1st-3rd year students).
GCI is a branch of the larger TTC programme GLAD – Global Learning Advanced Professionalism Dialogue between UCL TTC in Denmark, Murang’a TTC in Makuyu, Kenya and Kamwenja Teachers College in Nyeri Kenya.
GCI is a programme between Nyeri Good Shepherd Academy in Nyeri, Kenya and Hunderup Skolen in Odense. The abbreviation GCI represents Global Citizenship and Imprints which is the full name of the project.
Global issues from a student perspective is a project between Muranga College Primary in Makuyu Kenya and Hollof Pile Skole in Odense, Denmark. The project is part of the larger GLAD programme that is between Muranga TTC, Kamwenja TTC and UCL TTC in Odense as well.
MEL meaning Move – Eat – Learn, aims to build global learning processes for teachers and pupils within primary schools from Gentofte – Denmark and Primary Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. The main focus of the dialogues is issues related to a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and physical activities that promote good health. The themes are cross curricular and cross cultural, they will consist of identical themes and topics involving the subjects like mathematics, sciences, physical education and home economics.